Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog Entry #2

      I am currently reading No Man's Land by Kevin Major

      In this story, Allan Hayward has been deployed into France to fight in World War I. He is with Regiment A, which consists of men that are all from Newfoundland. The regiment is preparing for the Great Push, an atticipated battle that could end the war. Despite the dramatic battle that is soon going to happen, Hayward  has fallen in love with Marie-Louise, a french woman in a nearby village. He has vowed to protect her, but can he protect himself?

      So far, this story is an okay read. There haven't been any intense moments, but I think that there has been some foreshadowing of climactic parts to come in the future. The plot is becoming clearer, and the characters are starting to have their own unique personalities. It hasn't been the greatest book so far, but I expect that as the story progresses, there will be more excitement and climactic moments.



Thursday, February 17, 2011

"The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it." ~James Bryce
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James Bryce, 1838 - 1922
      I feel that this quote is really reflective of what I think reading is about.
In my opinion, it means that while reading a book, it's value is determined by what you
can learn from reading book. For example, by reading the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, you learn about romance, jealousy, and some humor.

      Reading books can give you a lot of new knowledge, and that determines the worth of a book. Also, for those who simply read for fun, they gain entertainment from reading. This is another reward of reading. Sometimes, the things that people read in books can change their state of mind, change their opinions, and even influence them to things, just because of what the book has told them.

      This proves the true power of reading books, and how important it is. Therefore, the true worth of a book is determined by what you can carry away from it.