Friday, May 20, 2011

Blog Post #7 - Ordinary World

Halo: Fall of Reach, Eric Nylund

In the novel I'm currently reading, Halo: The Fall of Reach, by Eric Nylund, the main
character is John. In John's ordinary world, he is always under pressure. He is the squad
leader, which means he must always know what to do, forcing him to be the hero. In his
ordinary world, he is always working hard. Since he lives at the military training camp, he
must undergo difficult tests, routines, workouts, and practices every day, so he can prepare
for real battle. Despite this, I think he feels comfortable here, where he has friends in his
squad mates, and he is safe from danger.
A picture of soldiers trying to complete a difficult task during training.
This represents John's ordinary world.

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